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PKF Cyprus

A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.

Cyprus Income tax

Cyprus Tax – Capital Allowances



The annual capital allowances known as wear and tear allowances (As approved by the Cyprus tax Authorities), are calculated on the acquisition cost of the fixed assets as follows:

Buildings: (Note 1) %
Commercial 3
Industrial, agricultural and hotel 4
Metallic frame of greenhouses 10
Timber frame of greenhouses 331/3
Machinery and equipment: (Note 2)
Plant and machinery 10
Furniture and fittings 10
Agricultural machinery and tools 15
Computers & Computer hardware 20
Intellectual Property – 5 years 20
Motor vehicles other than saloon cars 20
Forklifts, tractors, excavators, bulldozers, oil tanks
and loading vehicles 25
New commercial vessels 8
New passenger vessels 6
Sailing vessels 4.5
Steamers, tugs and fishing vessels 6
Motor launches 12.5
Second-hand commercial and passenger vessels over its remaining useful life
Loose tools 331/3
Videotapes of video clubs 50
Application software:
Over €1.709 331/3
Up to €1.709 100


1. Industrial and hotel buildings acquired during the years 2012 – 2018 (inclusive) are eligible to tax depreciation at the rate of 7% per annum. For acquisitions after 1/1/2019 the capital allowance will be 4%.

2. Plant and machinery acquired during the years 2012 – 2018 (inclusive) are eligible to tax depreciation at the rate of 20% (excluding such assets which are already eligible for a higher annual tax rate of tax depreciation). For acquisitions after 1/1/2019 the capital allowance will be 10%.

3. Any expenditure of a capital nature incurred for the development or acquisition of intangible assets may be claimed as a tax deduction and will be claimed on a straight-line basis in the tax year which it was incurred and the immediate four following years.

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Last update: March 2022

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