A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.
New Cyprus tax incentives for persons wishing to transfer their tax residence to Cyprus
Individuals can transfer their tax residence to Cyprus if they are not considered tax residents in any other state, in particular, an individual may now be considered a tax resident in Cyprus if he/she is not considered a tax resident of any other state and if he/she does not remain in that other country for more than 183 days in the relevant fiscal year. The individual should also not be considered a tax resident in any other country for the same fiscal year
For an individual to be considered a tax resident in Cyprus, he/she should:
An individual who cumulatively fulfills the above conditions shall not be considered a tax resident of Cyprus in the relevant tax year if in that year terminates any activity/business and/or any post (eg manager, director)
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PKF Cyprus firms are member firms of the PKF International Limited network of legally independent firms and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions on the part of any other individual member firm or firms.