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Opening of a bank account in Cyprus
Cyprus Banking can offer all the facilities required by businessmen or individuals.
Who can open a Cyprus bank account?
Any physical person over the age of 18 years and any legal person (Cyprus Company or corporation) can open a bank account.
Is your physical presence necessary for the opening of a bank account in Cyprus?
Physical presence is not necessary when the client is introduced by an approved introducer (in this case PKF Cyprus can act as an introducer for the opening of a bank account). This is important as it saves precious time, unnecessary expenses, inconvenience and traveling in Cyprus.
Formalities needed to open a Cyprus bank account
If you are an individual and you wish to open a bank account, the following should be submitted directly to a Cyprus bank or a professional intermediary:
To download the full list of the requirements for Cyprus bank account opening please click here
For companies and partnerships in order to proceed with the opening of a Cyprus bank account the following, should be submitted to directly to the bank or a professional intermediary:
Cyprus bank account opening important considerations that are taken into account by most Cyprus banks (for companies or partnerships)
Cyprus banks before proceeding with the opening of a company’s Cyprus bank account will also ensure that Cyprus Company does not fall under the definition of a “Shell Company”
To read the definition of a “Shell Company” please click here.
Contact Us on info@pkf-nic.com to discuss your Cyprus bank account opening requirements.
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