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PKF Cyprus

A member of PKF International. A global family of legally independent firms.

Cyprus finance company simple structure


The plan

Foreign investors wishing to set up a Cyprus Company to use it as a financing company in order to finance other associated companies.

  1. An EU/Non-EU parent company establishes a Cyprus finance company which it finances by means of a loan.
  2. The Cyprus finance company, in turn, lends the funds to its own EU / non-EU associate company/companies
  3. Associated companies will use the funds to finance their operations
  4. Cyprus Company receives interest from associate companies and pays interest to Parent Company

Cyprus Tax Consequences

–        Provided that one of the major business activities of the Cyprus Company is that of financing activities, the Cyprus finance company will be taxed at a Corporation tax rate of 12,5% on interest profit margin (i.e. interest received less interest paid);

–        Low or no withholding tax on interest payments due to the Cyprus double tax treaty network or EU directives;

–        Deductibility of interest expenses in the borrowing company;

–        No withholding tax on interest payments from Cyprus at all times;


Cyprus finance company Corporation tax on interest profit margins

Cyprus Company Corporation tax on interest profit margins will be at the rate of 12, 5% and shall follow the arms’ length principles as defined by the Cyprus tax department circular

Further aspects of the determination of taxable income

The net income is calculated after deducting from net interest income, the costs incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of generating income

Illustrative example


Interest received (trading income) (Arm’s length rate)


Interest paid (Arm’s length rate)


Net interest income  


Less expenses:
Wages and salaries


Rentals (Contract agreement)


Maintenance expenses


Accounting fees


Audit fees


Other expenses directly related


Traveling expenses


Entertainment expenses


Administration expenses





Income tax




Net income after tax






















Possible Foreign tax – tax deducted from other jurisdictions are given as credit. Ie. If in the above example, the Company paid € 4,000 foreign tax then the Cypriot tax will be € 1,000.


Last update: August 2017


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August 2017


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